Scott Weiser and Todd Walker have released some of the biggest Electro anthems to come out of the US and this CD serves as an overview of those hits plus a few new treats. One of the biggest names to come up on the Electro circuit in the past few years is Florida's Jackal N Hyde, and it's no wonder why they have done so. robinstheatre."JACKAL & HYDE - THE BADLANDS ALBUM REVIEW" For the Warren date, Dupree promised, “They’ll hear everything they expect to hear, and we expect them to sing loud and proud.” The band occasionally road tests new material to gauge crowd reaction. Dupree said there aren’t any immediate plans for a new album, but the band does have some new songs that may be released as singles. Jackyl’s last studio album was “Rowyco” in 2016. When asked what else is on his bucket list, Dupree joked, “If I pass away without doing at least one open-heart surgery it’s going to bug me because I’ve done everything else.” “Marketing and branding, I have a knack for doing that.”

He also has deals with Harley-Davidson and Zippo Lighters, he’s worked with Sidney Frank, the businessman who made Grey Goose vodka and Jagermeister. “Lord knows I sold enough for other people,” he said. Back in 2010, he started Jesse James Spirits, which manufactures American Outlaw Bourbon Whiskey and other distilled spirits. While touring may have been limited, Dupree had no trouble keeping busy during the pandemic. We feel very fortunate to celebrate that.” They crawled all over everything, touched everything, and the town was fine. “I have all the respect in the world for the virus, but we celebrate the fact that 600,000 people came to this town of 5,000, and this town was fine. “Even in the pandemic, we had 600,000 here,” Dupree said during a telephone interview from South Dakota. Dupree is a business partner with Michael Ballard in the Full Throttle Saloon and was part of the TruTV / Destination America reality series filmed there for six seasons. Even then, Jackyl didn’t go more than about three months without playing show, and the band played South Dakota’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last summer. The band has been road warriors every since, maintaining a heavy touring schedule - until 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic closed most venue nationwide. Jackyl - original members Dupree, lead vocals, guitar and chain saw Jeff Worley, guitar and backing vocals and Chris Worley, drums with bass player Roman Glick, formerly of Brother Cane - sold a million copies of that self-titled debut album with the help of rock radio favorites like “Down on Me,” “When Will It Rain,” “I Stand Alone” and “The Lumberjack.” The followup, “Push Comes to Shove,” was certified gold.